Negative Harmony Chord Chart

A chart of the common chords of tonal harmony and their negative harmony mirrors. This isn’t meant to provide an introduction to negative harmony (there are already great resources on that), but instead to provide a reference chart for composers trying to incorporate negative harmonic concepts into their music. It’s also meant to serve as a prequel for upcoming posts on negative mirrors of common chord progressions, turnarounds, and jazz forms.

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Interval Reharmonization Chart

“Every single melody note works with every single bass note”

This is a line from a WIRED video featuring Jacob Collier and Herbie Hancock, but I’ve seen similar ideas espoused in various places. The concept is that for any given pair of bass and melody note, there exists a way to harmonize them. Put another way, there are 12 possible intervals that can exist between a bass and melody note, and each of those intervals fits with at least one chord.

This is a chart of the 12 intervals and all their possible harmonizations that composers can reference when looking to change up their harmony.

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